edge individual

getting started

This guide is designed to help you get going as soon as you receive your EDGE Individual kit

1. edge gps unit

power button
  • Press the Power Button once to turn the unit on

  • Hold the Power Button down for 3-4 seconds to switch off the unit

  • Holding down the Power Button until the Side LED flashes purple/white performs a hard reset of the unit (Note this is not necessary for units received after February 2022)

side led
  • No light = EDGE GPS is off

  • Flashing Blue = EDGE GPS is in the process of turning on

  • Breathing orange/Red = EDGE GPS is trying to find a GPS connection

  • Breathing/Solid Green = EDGE GPS has a GPS connection and is recording data

  • Solid Blue = Data transfer mode enabled

side led (when plugged in to charge)
  • When plugged into charge the Side LED will display:

  • Solid Red = EDGE GPS is charging

  • Solid Green = EDGE GPS is fully charged

EDGE unit guide

2. Logging into the app

  • You have been sent an email from 'robots@playerdata.com' to confirm your account

  • Click on the link to create your password and tap ‘Save’ (check junk folder if needed)

  • Download the PlayerData app

  • You can now log into the app (we recommend keeping 'Remember me' ticked)

logging into the app

3. app setup

If you have an issue signing up please DO NOT retry with a new email - notify us for assistance

  • Ensure you have the latest version of the app

  • Complete account set up by filling in date of birth, gender and units of measurement

  • Tap 'Continue'

  • Tap 'Scan EDGE unit' to open your camera

  • Scan the QR Code on the back of your EDGE device

app setup

4. changing unit initials and numbers

  • Open the app

  • Ensure your Bluetooth is on and enabled for use in the app

  • Turn on your EDGE unit

  • Tap 'More' on the main navigation

  • Tap ‘Set Edge Names’

  • This will now locate your unit which you have turned on nearby (default is PD 99)

  • Enter initials and numbers (can be your initials and squad number or club initials eg. SU 01, 02, 03 etc)

  • Tap ‘Save’

changing units initials and number

5. pitch setup for matches

  • Open the app

  • Tap 'More' on the main navigation

  • Tap ‘Pitch Setup’

  • Tap the green '+' button in the bottom right-hand corner

  • Type in the name, address or postcode of the pitch and then tap ‘Next’

  • Name the pitch and select a sport

  • Using your fingers, resize the pitch template over the top of the Google maps display

  • Line up the top and bottom ends of the template over your actual pitch and use the width slider to set the correct width

  • Tap the ‘Save’ button

  • You will only need to do this once for your home pitch and all the away pitches you play on through the season, this will generate the heatmap data for your matches

pitch setup

6. creating a training session

Do this after you have finished your training session

  • Open the app

  • Tap the green '+' on the main navigation

  • Select 'Training' for the session type

  • Input ‘Start’ and ‘End’ time of the session

  • Add a description

  • Tap ‘Finish’ and this will create an empty session for you, ready to upload data from your EDGE unit

creating a training session

7. creating a match session

Do this after you have finished playing in the match

  • Open the app

  • Tap the green '+' on the main navigation

  • Select 'Match' for the session type

  • Select date, type in opponent, score and select result of the match

  • Select the pitch you played on (create a new pitch if you haven’t set it up yet)

  • Add a description

  • Input specific ‘Start’ and ‘End’ times for each half/quarter to ensure the breaks in play are cut out correctly

  • Tap ‘Finish’ and this will create an empty session for you, ready to upload data from your EDGE unit

creating a match

8. uploading data to sessions

  • View any training or match session

  • On the Overview tab tap the green '+' button

  • Tap ‘Add Edge Data’

  • This should list your EDGE unit which you have turned on nearby, and display it with the initials and numbers you previously set

  • Now use the drop—down menu to assign your athlete profile to your EDGE unit

  • Tap ‘Next’. You must stay in the app otherwise the data transfer will stop and the data will not display

  • The data has now been sent for processing, check back on the session in a couple of minutes to view the data

uploading data to app