Hello and welcome to the PlayerData Blog.
This blog was set up early 2019 to keep everyone up to date on the comings and goings of the company as well as to provide an insight into life at PlayerData. Since then, things have changed a bit. As of November 2019 we have paying customers(!), and so have changed the direction of our blog. While we will continue to post updates on PlayerData and our team, this blog has shifted to focus more on insights into using data and keeping you up to date on the latest research in the field. It will be a bit of a mix of topics, with the hope that there is something for everyone in our PlayerData Community. I encourage you to use the comments sections to discuss topics and leave us feedback as to what else you would like to see from our blog.
Please note, since our website relaunched at the start of this month, we have had to shift our blog onto a new platform. This means our previous wordpress blog site no longer exists. We will be reposting some of the original content here so they remain available and date them accordingly.
To both old and new members of our PlayerData Community, I hope that you will find the content useful and engaging. Should there be anything specific you’d like us to share, please get it touch.
You can contact us at info@playerdata.co.uk or just leave a comment on this article.
Until next time!
October 2020